An Overview on Schizophrenia | 89155


ISSN - 2155-9562


An Overview on Schizophrenia

Sharon Robert

Schizophrenia is a constant, serious mental problem that influences the manner in which an individual think, acts, communicates feelings, sees reality, and connects with others. However, schizophrenia isn't so normal as other major psychological instabilities, it tends to be the most constant and crippling. Schizophrenia is a psychological problem portrayed by critical changes in insight, contemplations, state of mind, and behavior. Symptoms are depicted as positive, negative, and cognitive symptoms. Positive symptoms are those indications that are not typically experienced, however are available in individuals during an insane episode in schizophrenia. They incorporate hallucinations, delusions, and disrupted considerations and discourse, regularly viewed as indications of psychosis [1].