Bioelectricity As A Green Technology: Study Of Bioelectricit | 56328



Bioelectricity As A Green Technology: Study Of Bioelectricity Generation Potential Of A Domestic Waste Water Based Microbial Fuel Cell

Fathima Sumaiya Idroos

Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) utilizes active microorganisms as biocatalysts in an anaerobic anode compartment to produce bioelectricity. The present study records the bioelectricity generation potential of domestic waste water, basically rice washed water as the anolyte and a pure culture of cyanobacteria as the catholyte. Graphite electrodes (4 cm2) were inserted into both compartments. Anode compartment was filled with 1 liter of rice washed water from household and sealed. The cathode compartment was filled with pure culture of Microcystis sp. cultured under laboratory conditions. Both electrodes were connected to a 0.33