"Efficacy Galangin on Protein oxidation biomarker SH-group" | 3369


ISSN - 2322-3308


"Efficacy Galangin on Protein oxidation biomarker SH-group"

Ali Moradi, Hamidreza Shahmoradi, Gholamali Naderi, Maryam Boshtam, Abolfazl Shokoohi-Nahrkhalaji

"Galangin a type of flavonoid found in high concentrations in Alpinia officinarum and Helichrysum aureonitens. Galangin has been shown to have in vitro antibacterial and antiviral activity also an antioxidant. Plasma oxidation of SH - group known as thiol stress. One of the markers of protein oxidation, SH-group is sensitive to oxidative stress and increasing oxidative stress is symbolic. In the current study, we investigated the effect of some flavonoid Galangin on serum SH-group in rats by gavage feeding of flavonoids in dose 7.5 and 15 mg/kg w.b. Group A received only water and ethanol and group B received Galangin and ethanol. The flavonoid Galangin reduced serum in SH-group. The SH-group was measured using the Kitajima's method. We observed a significant (P=0.01) increased level SH-group of dosages of 7.5 mg/kg w.b in compared with the control (Ethanol) group. Dosages 15 mg/kg w.b was a significant (P=0.00) compared with the control (Ethanol) group. The Galangin can effect on oxidation of SH- group. Galangin can take to prevent damage SH- group."