Gout Management in Primary Health Care in Russian Federation | 46645

プライマリヘルスケア: オープンアクセス

ISSN - 2167-1079


Gout Management in Primary Health Care in Russian Federation

Alexey Kalyagin and Maria Karnakova

Abstract Objective: The study is aimed at evaluating the level of knowledge of out-patient doctors about modern methods of gout diagnostics and treatment. Methods: The authors developed a questionnaire on gout diagnostics and treatment and carried out an anonymous survey of 50 primary care physicians and 21 rheumatologists. Results: The study revealed low awareness of gout among first contact doctors. Doctors of both specialties use modern methods of diagnostics and treatment insufficiently. Only 62% of rheumatologists and 6% of therapists use Wallace criteria for gout diagnostics. Although 90% of rheumatologists and 42% of therapists specified identification of monosodium urate crystals by the method of polarizing microscopy as a “gold standard” of gout diagnostics, most of doctors noted impossibility of using a polarizing microscope at their workplaces. Conclusion: It is necessary to take measures directed at increasing the knowledge of classification criteria and modern clinical recommendations about medical control of gout patients at the out-patient stage. It is advisable to pay special attention to studying the modern criteria of gout diagnostics and treatment at medical universities.