Respira Libre: Diode's Laser for In Office Endoscopic Surger | 55256

形成外科: ケーススタディ


Respira Libre: Diode's Laser for In Office Endoscopic Surgery Center a new type of ENT Center exclusive for patients with obstructive nasal diagnosis

Sajidxa Mariño Ostos

Description of a new technique of Laser Diode's for Endoscopic Turbinal Surgery IN OFFICE with topical anethesia for inmediatly
reincorperation to rutine for patients between 2 years and ancients. Only a one hour preparation with drops and cotton's anesthesia,
and five minutes procedure Indicated for patients with Turbinate Hipertrophy (inferior turbinate or inferior and medial turbinate)
with oral respiration, snoring, posterior rhinorrea, or with facial algias, in patients complicated for general anesthesia, athletes who
needs training the day after, executives or students who needs work or study the same day of the surgery, or any patiens who needs
to correctly brieth without been in a operating room and have the postoperative desincorporation of their routine. Also in patients
who has previously turbinate surgery in OR or septoplasty without success