SRMS, an unheralded Src-related kinase- Biochemistry and pho | 70412



SRMS, an unheralded Src-related kinase- Biochemistry and phosphoproteomics

K. Lukong and R. Goel

SRMS (Src-related kinase lacking C-terminal regulatory tyrosine and N-terminal myristoylation sites) is a nonreceptor tyrosine kinase that belongs to the BRK family
kinases (BFKs) whose other two members include BRK (Breast tumor kinase or protein tyrosine kinase 6) and FRK (Fynrelated kinase). Like BRK, FRK and Src-family
kinases, SRMS possesses the prototypical SH3 (Srchomology 3) and SH2 (Src-homology 2) domains involved in intra/inter-molecular interactions as well as a catalytic
kinase domain. However, unlike BRK and Src family kinases, SRMS lacks a conserved C-terminal autoregulatorytyrosine residue implicated in the regulation of
enzymatic activity.