Jacobsonandrsquo;s Progressive Muscle Relaxation Technique ( | 89771


ISSN - 2732-2654


Jacobson’s Progressive Muscle Relaxation Technique (JPMR) Effects on Cancer Patients

Ravindra HN, Patel AH*

Background of the study: It's not an astonishing reality that cancer treatment centers, healthcare facilities and especially medical centers can be stressful. When somebody has cancer, it affects one‘s world in numerous ways. A technique called Jacobson's Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) can help patients in both hospital and community settings to cope with stress. Several studies have approved the JPMR technique, and we chose this one to test its efficacy on cancer patients stress levels because it has been endorsed by other studies.

Goal of the study: The study's primary aim is to determine the effect of JPMR on stress among cancer patients.

Materials and methods: This study used the convenience sampling technique; the target population is comprised of all cancer patients over the age of 18. The study included 35 cancer patients. The JPMR technique is a 15-day, 20-minute procedure that targets certain muscles. Then we assessed each client's level of stress.

Results: Pre-test stress was high (74%), followed by extremely high (17%) and moderate (8.6%), while post-test stress was low (74%), followed by extremely high (17%) and moderate (8.6%). Paired T tests were used to assess stress. (df =34, p=0.001). Occupation was 0.05 related to pre-test stress level.

Conclusion: The JPMR has a statistically significant effect on the difference in scores between pre- and post-test. Following the JPMR approach, data were collected using the QSC-R10 tool.